Ansible Introduction

1 minute read


Recently I got my hands on a brand new orange pi. However, I found myself stuck in typing the same boring command across all sessions. Hence, I believe this serves as a good opportunity to anisible for better automation across all servers.

Simple walkthrough the steps to install anisible in master server:

First add anisible repository:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible -y

Install anisible:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ansible -y

ansible —- version

Create ssh key and copy it across all web-servers:

[ Note: username must be same as login username and same across all nodes ]

ssh-copy-id ks@[ first node local ip ]

ssh-copy-id ks@[ second node local ip ]

Then you should be able to ssh into all servers using the master ssh public key

If all commands works out well, you can start editing /etc/ansible/hosts file and create your swarm name and local ip.

sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts

[web-servers] [ first node local ip ] [ second node local ip ]

One of many possible command in ansible

anisible -m command -a “ your-unix-command” [your-serves-group-name]

this command send the same command to all servers

Some Command Example:

ansible -m ping web-servers

ansible -m command -a “uptime” web-servers


ansible -m command -a “tmux new -s foo -d” web-servers

anisible -m command -a “tmux ls” web-servers


Here’s a great proper introduction to ansible by Jeff Geeriling

youtube []

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