Listing disk usage under UNIX system

1 minute read


TLDR; **du -xa /sort -n -rhead -n 30** list the top 30 disk hogger files under your system disk.

Sometimes is kinda painful when you need to do disk space management in a remote server. Since ls -alh commands shows little information about a folder size.

du ( disk usage )

I think a lot of people are quite comfortable with using du command.

A simple list of current directory disk usage can be du -sh ./

Which list a summary ( -s ) of disk usage under human readable form ( -h )

If you wish to list all the files size including directory size, you can remove the summary flag (s) and you should be greeted with a large list of files with their repective disk size.

But what if your system disk and full and you wish to find out hidden logs that was taking a few hundreds Gigs of size?

Well this works right?

du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 30

Yes, but when you have muliple disk mounted around the system, large files from these system will be shown as well. Hence you need an extra -x flag to only traverse files under the current system disk.